
Are you comfortable when things are truly quiet? Yesterday, I was in Oklahoma with Kenny.  He was out and about with the game warden and I was in the cabin. The wind was howling, the birds were chirping and the internet was down. I read. I painted. I sketched and my mind wondered.  All the time I felt a little unsettled, yet I was in the moment.

We all stay so busy now that when we stop, it takes time to be quiet.  We have to ease into it or we feel unsettled.  Is this true of you?

The last few weeks I have had lots of appointments.  Meeting schedules and deadlines.  Did you get this done today? Did I get this done yesterday? You know the routine of checking off missions accomplished.  I find myself in knots now dealing with this stuff rather than enjoying them. I use to love to get to check off my list, but not so much anymore.

I like the quiet. I like learning new creative things that others might view as their trash, but I rather like.  I like the new thing God is doing in me during and through the quiet, unsettling, and beautiful moments.

Are you enjoying quiet moments yet or do you still enjoy the missions accomplished list?

Enjoying the quiet,


Cruising on 57

Yes, today the number of years goes up to 57.  Truly amazing is what comes to mind. I don’t know about the rest of you, but the numbers change quickly on our drivers license.

i remember getting the first one. It seemed like the day would never get here and suddenly it’s been years of driving. Now going to get a new license isn’t near as much fun and neither is driving.  I mean anger management is a serious issue on our highways.  Don’t dare sit too long at a light or you become a victim to all sorts of sign language and it’s not the pretty sign language either…

Reflection on a birthday is good for the soul.  Blessed is the word that really comes to mind on my day.  My hubby and I truly are at the best place through some of the toughest times in our journey together. Yet we are facing it together. Family is still going strong and we do it together.  Health also a check.  Oh sure, I know I have added pounds I don’t need, but well those aren’t as easy to get off as they were getting on and life is too be enjoyed. So I don’t let those bother me as much as I probably should…oh well not a big thing on my to do list.

I am enjoying life.  I am taking adventures with people I like to laugh with and grow with and learn things with…yes I am still doing all these things!  I still have a lot to learn and I think that is one thing I like to share with others.  Don’t quit learning, don’t quit getting out of your box, just don’t quit.  God gives us each day and we must enjoy each day to the fullest.

So today, I am sharing the day with family and friends laughing at the good and the bad knowing that I really am blessed to still enjoy the journey!  Yes, I am cruising on along with a new number and I look forward to 58 next year!  Love each of you…

Just a few doodles from my morning though process,


Control issues? Who me?

I am reading a book to review that is really good about control.  I will share about it in another post, but so far this week I have had homework on the topic.  Yes, jury duty and an unexpected trip to the emergency room.

i am a calendar woman.  I schedule things and well these were messing with my calendar besides getting into my head.  I mean child abuse and sister being sick will unnerve a girl.  I don’t do well with messy and let’s just say the jury duty was very messy and kept me awake last night. Praying over and over for the victim.  How can the world be filled with so much evil?  Then I get up early relaxing and my phone rings.  My sister is in terrible pain and needed me.  Her hubby was gone to a out of town meeting.  She is fine now, but after a morning of no rooms in the er.  Watching an older woman come in with a heart attack and Pam hurting so bad my nerves were frayed!

all of this to say the homework was a reminder about trusting God in ALL situations.  One thing I will share about the book that struck me so far is that the author was teaching a Bible study and she ask for prayer request at the beginning of class.  Every request had to do with control.  Control of either the woman’s mother or mother-in-law and all the struggles involved and the realization that this one thing is ruining a lot of relationships with people, but also with God.

I began to think back about my own time in women’s ministry and it is true.  Whether the control is self inflicted or another family member, or friend it is a very real struggle until we truly realize that we really don’t have any control and we must learn to trust.

I am off for a photo trip tomorrow with my friend, Linda.  We are long time friends and we both love to take pictures and we are heading south to the swamp.  Yes,  you read that right lots of birds nest here this time of year.  So I am excited to experience nature and let nature happen.  I will have no control over the fun surprises we may find.

Letting go and going,


Jury duty

Yes, I must report Monday morning. Duty calls. Not excited about it, but felt like it is my duty.

The word “duty” doesn’t make it sound any better, does it? Yet, I think if someone I love was in trouble that maybe  someone fair would be on the jury.  But I know my opinions are strong at the same time…so I might not be the one to pick.  Oh well, I will go serve and see what happens.

I don’t know how this will go. I have curiosity, but you know what they say about curiosity killing the cat.  I also like to learn and the judicial system always intrigued me, but the times I have been around it. Disappointed and pained is how I walked away.  Perhaps, Monday will be okay.

what about you? Have you served? Did you learn anything or just count the minutes till you were done? Did you feel the responsibility?





Women love shoes. I mean just look in their closets, but this isn’t really about our shoes.  It is about each person in those shoes.

We are all special.  We are all unique.  We all have a story.  Nobody knows what’s happening in that other person’s shoes.  You only know what they are capable of sharing.  Honestly, I read social media and think what’s happened to compassion.  Don’t be guilty of assuming you know….none of us know their story unless someone wants you to.

Someday you may learn the full story of someone and be totally blown away that she was able to walk upright in 4″ heels never stumbling. Or she may be in flip flops when you think she should be in heels then you hear the whole story realizing that flip flops was all she could handle walking through the day in.  Life is tough please don’t assume you know anything, because you don’t….we all have a story not just me or you….


wearing my my flip flops,




What is funny to you?  What is your favorite funny show or movie?  We need funny.  We need laughter.  We need a great big belly laugh.  Everybody is way too important (in our own minds) we have to look and act a certain way.  Think about it…

When was the last time you had a really good laugh?  My dog makes me laugh Cassie is always up to something…she is constantly searching for something or up to it. My nephews make me laugh mostly when we are just talking and sharing.  Little moments that we take the time to share.  How often do we notice anymore?

Saturday my parents were headed into town to meet my sister and me for lunch.  They had a flat when they got downtown and when they had turned to get on Clyde Fant parkway well they pulled over to a meter and called me.  I got there to pick them up and teased them that I would now need therapy.  It truly was a belly laugh moment knowing my parents had a flat next to a nightclub for men.  Imagine my eighty year old parents heading to meet their daughters and this is where a flat happens.  It really was a funny moment by a not so funny place.  We did share laughter in the moment.

Laughter is good for the soul.  Laugh today.



Issues? Problems?

Going to the doctor brings up this question; anything I need to know about? Any issues?

Well, my ice maker leaked, I hit my big toe on the corner of the bed, my head hurts, I never sleep all night anymore, the list goes on and on and on….but what do they really want to hear? Truthfully, not much. I get the distinct feeling they want to hear I am fine and you?

Who doesn’t have issues? Listen to conversations and we all have issues. So, this is my thought this morning ~ let’s share about what moves you to tears or gives you goosebumps?

My goosebumps moments are when I realize that God sees me in the middle of my turmoil and He answers me in the absolute coolest way. Once it was a letter, once it was a mirror, one time a woman at a gas pump…the list goes on, but those are goosebumps tears moments that God alone provides. Share yours.

Issues? Share with God and watch and listen for Him to provide more than fine….or next please.

Loving goosebumps,



Now that is what I call a football game! Exciting winner determined in the last seconds. Yes, I am a Bama fan and felt the disappointment with losing…but we made it to the dance.  Congrats to Clemson. I still felt happiness for these young men and their coaches because they won a great game.

Young men that work hard to get to this moment in their journey.  I know I watch my nephews work hours everyday to be the absolute best they can be with the gifts they have been given.  It is hard work to be an athlete.  Not all athletes make it to this game, yet they work just as hard.  Celebrate that we reside in a country that people may pursue their dreams.

Fine athletes.  Great football game.  Let’s celebrate together! Winners and losers.  Great life lesson in this game celebrate all these guys that made it to the game and the ones that strive to make it to the game.  Encourage all the kids to be the best they can be in their gift, whether it is a sport, a talent of creativity, or just be the best individual you can possibly be.  Let’s celebrate all people for being the best you can be until the very last second of this game of life!  God gives each of us something…what are we doing with our something? What are we doing with our seconds?

Still enjoying the game,


Now for football

Okay, I know last night Meryl Streep kinda of dished football, but I happen to love it! Those that know me know I also love movies…so plenty of room for all of it! Also, Mrs. Streep we all have opinions. You are a great actress, but Alabama and Clemson are great football teams!

All of us are gifted, some not as obviously as others…but we are gifted.  I am a die in the wool razorback girl from my growing up years of never missing a game.  We had season tickets and we could and still do call the hogs.  My second favorite team is Alabama goes back to Bear Bryant years.  As a little girl I thought he would be a cool gramps that was really good at football.  So I have a favorite tonight, but both teams work very hard to get to this game.  So I love the game.  I love to watch dreams come true!

Let’s learn to celebrate our differences and appreciate that God made us this way!  I love my Clemson friends and I love Meryl Streep movies, but we just happen to have reasons we believe differently ~ so what? I still like you and know that’s what makes the world go around.

Now let’s hear one more hooray for Bama!


love my football,



I love my dogs.  I love my dogs. I love my dogs. Yes, I kept replaying these words at 4:30 Saturday morning and again this morning. They get up run around the room, jump back on the bed and stand right beside me looking down at me.  I can’t ignore them I try.

Seriously, Kenny takes them to Oklahoma they sleep till whenever he gets up.  What? Why? Is it just because they know how to work me? I think so.

My dogs are in charge!  Tomorrow, tomorrow I hope their clocks let me sleep a little longer.

Yet I must admit I still love my dogs…the good, the bad, and the ugly.

